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Mindfulness Finger Mazes
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#GG5622Single Mindfulness Finger Maze$7.99
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#GG5623Mindfulness Finger Mazes 3-pk$22.99
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Mindfulness Finger Mazes

Mindfulness Finger Mazes

About Mindfulness Finger Mazes

Soothing finger tracing mazes that calm restless bodies and help slow down active minds.  This dazzling set includes 3 double-sided finger tracing boards with assorted grooved finger paths; 6 different patterns in all.  All very durable and colorful 7"x7" mazes that promote focus, mindfulness, and breathing/breath patterns.  You can even use them with small marbles.  Sold in 3 piece / 6 pattern sets or in a random single/double-sided maze (we'll surprise you).  Includes an instruction guide that's written in 4 different languages. Mindfulness Fidget Mazes are designed for children, teens, and adults, ages 3-up.

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.