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Curved Sensory Wedge
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Curved Sensory Wedge

Curved Sensory Wedge

About Curved Sensory Wedge

Premium quality sensory wiggle seat cushion for sensory-seeking individuals who need a little movement in order to focus and concentrate better (or for those who need movement to help self-regulate and stay alert).  This thick 13" wedge features a rounded, ergonomic shape for maximum comfort, and a multi-textured surface for extra tactile sensory stimulation.  A versatile, user-friendly wiggle seat / sensory solution that can double as a fidget tool for your feet.  This unique Curved Sensory Wedge seat makes an ideal calming sensory tool for the office or classroom; it's ideal for older children, teens, and adults who have ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, and/or other focusing challenges that can make it difficult to sit still. Comes with its own (hand) air pump. You'll love 'em!