Educate Your Brain (Brain Gym Resource)
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Educate Your Brain Brain Gym Re...
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Educate Your Brain (Brain Gym Resource)

About Educate Your Brain (Brain Gym Resource)

Award-winning guide for therapists, parents, educators, college students, and employers that provides a superb introduction to the revolutionary Brain Gym movement-based learning program! Written by a seasoned brain gym instructor (who is also a 23 year classroom teacher), this invaluable resource covers how movement shapes the brain, impacts learning, helps the 2 sides of the brain work together, helps build self-esteem, and more. You'll learn how mind-body balance helps us learn faster and worker smarter, how to select specific brain gym activities to help facilitate specific academic subjects, how to help resolve primitive postural reflex issues, and much more. This extraordinary work provides a smorgasbord of helpful brain gym activities for school, home, and the workplace; including the benefits of each activity. A wonderfully informative resource guide that includes case studies, nice photos, and very helpful step-by-step ideas. 240 pages. Excellent!