Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affect millions of children and adults worldwide. These conditions can case significant challenges in both academic and personal settings, making it difficult to focus, stay organized, and complete tasks. However, with the right tools and resources, individuals with ADD/ADHD can lead successful, fulfilling lives.

Below we have collected a variety of resources sorted into several categories, from time management to sleep helpers. 


Time Management:


Brain Focus - A helpful time management app that uses the Pomodoro method to help boost productivity.

Pomodoro® Assistant - Free browser extension for practicing the Pomodoro Method (breaking your work sessions into time intervals with breaks in between)

Time and Date - Create timers online with scheduled alarms - you can run several different timers simultaneously.  Also has an online stopwatch option.

Toggl - Keep track of how you're spending your time



Visual Time Timer - Makes time awareness easy to understand/monitor by providing clear, visual feedback of time remaining/elapsed for tasks

Mini Time Tracker - Uses colored lights and auditory cues to count down time

Time Timer Dry Erase Visual Scheduler - Allows you to create custom time-based visual schedules

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Evernote - A great organizational app for storing and managing digital and handwritten self-notes.

Remember the Milk - Another free organizational app that helps you remember to accomplish daily tasks. 

Dropbox - A free website/app that makes it incredibly easy to organize and store personal files

My Study Life - Website/app with free class planner, study organizer, and exam date tracker



Reusable Colored Organizer Tabs - For color-coding and indexing notes

Colored Index Cards

Time Timer Dry Erase Visual Scheduler - This helps with creating time-based visual schedules

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OneTab - Free browser extension that hides open website tabs

Relax Daily - Music that improves focus and boosts productivity

Freedom - Browser extension that blocks distracting websites and apps

Lumosity - Online brain games designed to help you improve focus


Favorite Focus Tools:

Focusing Fidget Kit - A great variety of quiet fidgets that help improve focus

Junior Earmuffs - Reduce distracting noises

Thinking Putty - A popular fidget tool that's like chewing gum for your fingers!

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Executive Functioning:


Workflowy - Helpful for staying organized, this app offers options for creating lists, notes, and outlines. 

My Study Life - Website/app with free class planner, study organizer, and exam date tracker

Happy Kids Timer - Great for building independence in kids, this free app helps remind children to complete daily chores and tasks


Helpful Tools:

Maxy Memory Game

Sensory Kit for Supporting Neurodiverse Students™ - This kit features a selection of sensory products that were hand-picked by an expert who trains educators how to support neurodiverse students in the areas of self-regulation, social communication, flexibility, resilience, sensory processing, and executive functioning skills.


Books on Executive Functioning and Brain Gym

The Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens

Smart But Scattered

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Sleep Cycle - A free sleep tracker app that helps improve your sleep quality

Headpace - Has sleep help activities and guided meditations

iBreathe - Deep breathing exercises that help battle insomnia and decrease stress


Helpful Sleep Tools:

Snug and Hug™ Soothing Sensory Sheets - Provides the perfect amount of deep pressure proprioceptive “hugging” input that makes bodies feel calm and relaxed – and promotes better sleep.

Mindful Breathing Kitty Light

Washable Weighted Blankets


More articles you might enjoy:

Executive Function and Self-Regulation: Skills and Disorder

The Benefits of Fidget Tools: What Research Says About ADHD AND SPD

5 Fun Sensory Crafts To Try This Week