Bumpy Rod Chewy Necklace
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Bumpy Rod Chewy Necklace

Bumpy Rod Chewy Necklace

About Bumpy Rod Chewy Necklace

NEW!  Neat rod-shaped chewy necklace bathed in sensory bumpies that are a favorite of oral sensory seekers. Nice for kids who bite or chew on their pencils, fingernails, hair, sleeves, collars, or erasers; it also makes a handy, take-along wearable tactile fidget tool you can discreetly wear / hide under your shirt. This versatile oral motor tool helps children self-regulate through calming oral input that can help improve focus and attention. Designed for light to moderately gentle chewers, ages 3+. In assorted colors.

*Please note - all chewies require adult supervision, need to be inspected frequently, and replaced at the first sign of breaking down. The life span of any oral motor chewy tool depends on the frequency and degree of use. Chewies and Chewelry are non-returnable.

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.