Happy Friday! Here's some neat DIY "sensory recipes" for fluffy rainbow foam, yummy smelling scented paints, sensory finger dough, bath bomb-type fizzing shapes, and some very cool edible finger paint! Fun things you can make at home this weekend with ingredients you most likely already have in your kitchen cupboard.
Encouraging creativity and stimulating your kids' imaginations through sensory play, crafts, open-ended art projects, and other fun activities can all be good ways to help alleviate anxiety and worry. These things are also a great way to keep restless fingers and overly active minds happily engaged! Having fun together as a family can be a very reassuring thing during this time of so many (temporary!) changes and unknowns. Enjoy this extraordinary opportunity to spend treasured time with your loved ones.
Wishing you a happy, healthy, fun-filled weekend! ❤️
Make sure to check out our other articles More Neat Craft Ideas & DIY Sensory Recipes To Try At Home and 5 Fun Sensory Crafts To Try This Week
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