Scent Inhalers
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#AR5055Study Buddy--Improves memory, en...$7.99
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#AR5056Stress Less--Calms, refreshes, r...$7.99
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#AR5057Stay Alert--Increases alertness,...$7.99
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#AR5058Insomnia Relief--Calms, relaxes,...$7.99
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#AR5059Appetite Control--Calms stomach,...$7.99
Special Price: $6.49
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#AR7907-aMood Lift Scent Inhaler$7.99
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#AR5070-aAnxiety Relief Scent Inhaler$7.99
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#AR7908Travel Ease Scent Inhaler$7.99
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Scent Inhalers

Scent Inhalers

About Scent Inhalers

Scent Inhalers are portable, pocket-sized inhalers that are perfect for the car, bus, restaurants, movies, library, doctor's offices... anywhere. Experience all the benefits of aromatherapy with these 100% pure essential oil blends! Inhalers will retain their scents for up to a year. A nice calming sensory tool for sensory diets and self-regulation. Eight amazing calming, focusing, anxiety and stress reducing therapeutic blends to choose from!

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.


Study Buddy: Improves memory, encourages concentration, increases mental stamina, and reduces fatigue (rosemary, basil, clove, black pepper, lavender, helichrysum, bergamot, and eucalyptus essential oils)

Stress Less: Calms, refreshes, relaxes, and brings peace (bergamot, jasmine, lavender, and patchouli essential oils)

Stay Alert: Increases alertness, helps focus thoughts, and strengthens the mind (peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, cedarwood, ravensara, and alvender essential oils)

Insomnia Relief: Calms, relaxes, comforts, and reduces hyperactivity of the mind (basil, chamomile, lavender, marjoram,  myrrh, and vetiver essential oils)

Appetite Control: Calms stomach, reduces acidity, eases anxiety, and regulates appetite (bergamot, fennel, lemon, orange, patchouli, and ylang ylang essential oils)

Mood Lift: Lifts the mood and decreases grief and depression (basil, black pepper, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, orange, petitgrain, and rose essential oils)

Anxiety Relief: Eases tension, balances emotions, soothes the mind, reduces anxiety (clove bud, geranium, lavender, orange, patchouli, and anise star essential oils)

Travel Ease: Reduces motion sickness, eases fear, stimulates confidence, brings balance and harmony (lavender, orange, ylang ylang, black pepper, peppermint, and patchouli essential oils)