Ball Chairs
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#GM342522" Ball Chair (Orange)$30.99
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#GM342418" Ball Chair (Yellow)$26.99
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#GM342626" Ball Chair (Green)$36.99
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Ball Chairs

Ball Chairs

About Ball Chairs

Balls Chairs are balls with tiny feet that make a great classroom seat; they help kids (and adults) get their wiggles out by encouraging subtle bouncing/rocking movements without getting up from their seats!  These seats naturally help facilitate paying attention, sitting up straighter, and strengthening back muscles. Nice for classrooms and the office as the little feet are designed to keep ball chairs from rolling away when they aren't in use. *Please note the manufacturer and colors have changed for some sizes of our Chair Balls (as Fitball Ball Chairs are no longer being made).

**The easiest way to determine the optimal size ball chair is to measure a child's arm length from their arm pit to their middle finger tip, then select the ball chair that is closest in size to that measurement.  For example, if the measurement is 19" you would choose the 18" ball chair (vs. our 22" model).

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.