Disclaimer: The Wilbarger Brushing Protocol, now referred to as the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT), is a sensory-based intervention developed to address tactile defensiveness and sensory processing challenges. While this technique has been widely used in the past, it is important to note that the protocol is no longer widely taught or endorsed by organizations such as the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) due to limited evidence supporting its effectiveness.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a trained and licensed Occupational Therapist or healthcare professional. Proper training and professional guidance are essential before attempting this technique, and its suitability should be assessed on an individual basis.

For alternative evidence-based sensory strategies, we encourage you to consult a qualified professional.


Developed by Occupational Therapists Patricia Wilbarger and Julia Wilbarger, the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (formerly known as the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol - now abbreviated to DPPT) is designed to help individuals with sensory processing issues and tactile defensiveness by providing deep pressure input to the body's tactile system.  The protocol involves using a soft-bristled brush to provide deep-pressure touch stimulation to the skin, followed by joint compressions to stimulate proprioceptive receptors.  Please note: Undergoing proper training is essential before attempting to implement this technique. 


Benefits of the DPPT (Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique):

The DPPT, encompassing both brushing and joint compressions, offers a range of advantages:

  • Improved body awareness (proprioception), which can help with coordination and motor planning.
  • Assists in calming, organizing, and regulating the nervous system.
  • Helps alleviate tactile defensiveness
  • Improves self-regulation


Who can benefit from DPPT?

Your child might benefit from DPPT if they exhibit any the following:

  • Dislikes wearing tactile clothing or any physical touch
  • Struggles with daily life transitions
  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or stress/anxiety
  • Struggles with motor coordination


Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol:

  1. Brushing: Using a soft-bristled brush, typically a Corn Brush or Therapressure Brush, therapists gently stroke the individual's skin in a specific pattern.  Typically conducted on bare skin, vertical brushing over clothing may be considered if the child exhibits heightened sensitivity. Apply gentle, firm pressure with vertical strokes up and down the body, repeating three times per area.  Brush systematically, covering arms, legs, back, hands, and feet.  Avoid sensitive areas like the face and stomach.

  2. Joint Compressions: Following the brushing phase, joint compressions can be administered manually or incorporated into movement activities performed by the child. To conduct manual compressions, execute each movement ten times:

      • Fingers: Swiftly press each finger towards the palm.
      • Hand to Elbow: Position the child's hand in a high-five gesture and support the bent elbow from behind. Apply quick pressure from the hand towards the elbow.
      • Elbow to Shoulder/Shoulders: Place one hand on the child's shoulder and the other on the underside of the bent elbow. Swiftly press the elbow towards the shoulder.
      • Legs: With the child seated against a wall, grasp the foot with one hand and stabilize above the knee with the other. Apply quick pressure from the foot towards the hip.


    While the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol has shown promising results for many individuals with sensory processing difficulties, it's important to recognize that it may not be suitable for everyone. Before implementing the protocol, it's mandatory to undergo proper training and consultation with a qualified Occupational Therapist or healthcare professional.  Some individuals may find the brushing and joint compressions soothing and beneficial, while others may find them uncomfortable or overwhelming. Flexibility and sensitivity to the individual's responses are key to successful implementation.

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