The Social Success Workbook for Teens
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The Social Success Workbook for ...

The Social Success Workbook for Teens

About The Social Success Workbook for Teens

This invaluable new resource is for teens who have difficulty with things like reading social cues, conversing with others, and understanding unwritten social rules; teens who struggle to make friends and often just aren't comfortable in their own skin.  Features 132 pages of well-organized, skill-building activities that build upon each other.  Includes:  self-talk (how to effectively create and use it), going with the flow, society's rules, recognizing things that make you happy/worry/angry, feelings checklists, cool down tools, changing the plan in your head, choosing friends, getting unstuck, deciding what to wear, comic strip stories, and much more.  Each chapter includes a helpful "You Need to Know" section that "talks" in a friendly straightforward way to teens.  The unique workbook format helps teens' identify their strengths and weaknesses and then guides them through activities designed to help.  An excellent resource for teens who have Asperger Syndrome, nonverbal learning disabilities, and other social skill challenges.  Superb for the teachers, school counselors, social workers, psychologists, and others who work with struggling teens.  Excellent!