Simple Mindful Practices for Everyday Life
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Simple Mindful Practices for Eve...

Simple Mindful Practices for Everyday Life

About Simple Mindful Practices for Everyday Life

Bring awareness, calm, and balance to your life with this lovely set of easy-to-use mindfulness cards that feature simple, easy-to-implement practices in everyday life.  These neat 3-1/2"x5-1/2", color-coded cards help promote personal reflection, kindness, insight, relaxation, and joy.  Each card has an inspiring phrase on the front and a bite-sized mindfulness exercise on the back.  Select a single card each morning to form an intention for the day or pull several cards to promote a variety of mindfulness activities throughout the week.  Some of our testers shared they loved displaying cards that "spoke to them" or fit their situation – around their homes, offices, clinics, and classrooms. Simple Mindful Practices Cards provide an simple, engaging, nourishing way to cultivate peaceful mindful moments – anytime and anywhere.  Card categories include:  Rest & Balance, Curiosity & Joy, Insight & Awareness, and Kindness.  This wonderful set includes 65 colorful cards. You'll love this very thoughtful set.